Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Jealousy rears it's chihuahua head.

I tried to catch a few minutes of the Westminster Dog Show.

Telula offered her critique:

She usually likes her duck.. but not so much here:

Telula sitting pretty in the sun:
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Fetch: Chihuahua Style

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Tiny Snugglepuss...

As I sit here, typing away, both chickens are nicely tucked under their blanket on my lap. I can feel Telula snoring away against my leg. They are happy. Today was "bone" day, so they had their beef knuckles and are blissfully content.

So yesterday, I woke, made the bed and jumped into the shower. Apparently, Harley felt it was way too early to get up and after her breakfast, crawled back into bed. Just like people! She wasn't too impressed when I tried to take pictures though..

All Tucked in:
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And... ROAR!!!
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