Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Gifts and Squabbles...

The chi's got a present in the mail the other day! Kitty friend Peanut outgrew some of her sweaters and sent them along for the chickens to enjoy!

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I've been trying out the new camera.. it's a little different than the old one, but I'm getting the hang of it. These are a little dark because.. hey, it's dark at night and I don't have a whole lot of lighting in here. :)

Telula got a new froggie puppet while we were on vacation.. she's very vocal when she wants to play with "puppet" Here is some of her whining:

See.. they don't always fight.. they also enjoy their chewies. Sometimes it's nice when they are just quiet... unfortunately, they don't smell so sweet afterwards. :x

Harley thinks cameras are tasty... she takes a lick at the lens at the end of this one:

They've taken to having full on battles at 1-2 am.. but I'm so not getting out of bed to get the camera out at that time of night.