Saturday, October 28, 2006

Getting Ready for the Maritimes

It's a hell of a lot colder in Atlantic Canada.. and the poor things are cold here in the winter so I thought I'd up their "warmth" quotient with some nice winter coats for our upcoming trip. Telula loves to wear clothes. If she sees one of her sweaters, she gets very excited and practically dives into in. Harley, not so much. Unfortunately - Harley has a single coat and needs it more than my little double-coated Telula.

Here are some fashion shots of their winter apparel.

Telula - Strutting her stuff:
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Harley - hating every moment:
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Harley wasn't as put out by her pink sweater.. the poor thing was freezing one day so I decided to try it out in the apartment:
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Telula rocking her blue number:
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And... loving puppy kisses:
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No recent videos.. they've been rather cuddily lately.. I'm sure it's just a momentary lapse in Chihuahua battles. Both my dads have dogs (one a bichon, one a terripoo) so I'm sure there will be lot's of fun doggie moments on our "vacation"

One more before I sign-off though... my attempts at "color popping" in photoshop... Harley was having a nice nap while Telula watched over her:

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Friday, October 06, 2006

Harley Gets the Upper Hand.

Well.. Another night, another doggie fight. Of course, as soon as they exhaust themselves, they're cuddled up on my lap kissing each other's faces. Ah, Siblings.

Harley must have eaten her Wheaties this morning, because she was definitely the winner in the chihuahua brawl.

Please note - no chihuahuas were hurt in the making of this movie. :)

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Adventures in the land of Chi

The chickens were rowdy last night.. Very little sleep to be had by the human contingent in the home... i.e. me.

They actually slept peacefully from 9-11.. then this happened...

It continued on for at least 45-60 minutes before I gave up and gave them beef chewies... that seemed to calm them down and it was finally bedtime in the house of Chi. However, my slumber was sortlived as the little bitches started going at it again somewhere between 2 and 3. I think they got a little spoiled with me having a 4 day vacation and being up late myself. I guess it's a lot to ask 2 chihuahuas to understand the concept of a day job. :)

Just for fun.. here are the chickens doing their tricks. Harley's Trick pool is pretty limited... Telula kinda steals the show.